Safety and Sanitation
Studio Muscat is a thoroughly sanitized tattoo studio where all equipment is professionally cleaned.
We only use disposable (one use only) needles, ink and gloves to prevent HIV, Hepatitis B and C and other blood transmitted diseases.
All our equipment is cleaned using a combination of industrial detergents, a sonic cleaner, an autoclave and a sterilizer.
All our used needles and waste materials are disposed of by an industrial medical waste company to prevent any possibility of spreading infectious disease.
* If you have any question about sanitation please contact us. ( jump to mail form )
Pricing and Deposit
Please note the following price list is a general guideline. The exact pricing of the tattoo will vary depending on size / design / location / colour.
Please mail us for a detailed quote : jump to mail form
From 9,240yen (inc tax)
around 11,550-24,948yen (inc tax)
around 17,325-41,580yen (inc tax)
business card (around 5.5×9cm)
around 28,875-55,440yen (inc tax)
post card (around 10×15cm)
around 51,975-97,020yen (inc tax)
Large (3 sessions or more, back piece, sleeve etc.)
Hourly 14,850-19,250yen (inc tax)
*Varies by artistDEPOSIT
- – When you book a tattoo we will take a deposit to secure the booking. This deposit will be used against the final cost of your tattoo.
- – If you have a multi session tattoo, we will hold the deposit until the final session.
- – The deposit is valid for 1 year from after payment or your last visit to the studio.
- – The following is a rough guide to deposit chart for each session. Prices may vary depend on the details of the tattoo.
1 hour session
around coin size
5,500yen to 11000 yen
1.5-3 hour session
around postcard size
11,000yen to 22,000 yenn
3.5-5 hour session
between 1-2 postcards
22,000yen to 33,000 yen
5+ hour session
more than 2 postcards
33,000yen to 55,000 yenPAYMENT METHOD
We accept VISA / MASTER / JCB / AMEX / DINERS and Cash in Japanese yen.
Your full deposit will be lost if:- – You cancel your booking
- – You do not contact or visit the studio before the deposit expiry date
- – You change the design to something the artist cannot do because of time constraint or differing style, etc.
- – You are 30 minutes or more late for your booking
- – You cannot be tattooed because of severe sunburn, injury or damage to your skin etc
- – You reschedule within 14 days of your booking for any reason, including but not limited to COVID, personal/work emergencies, travel restrictions, etc
* Please mail us for questions about pricing: ( jump to mail form )
We are very happy to do a free 30 minute consultation session either by email or in person prior to a tattoo session. Please call or mail the studio before you visit. If after meeting us you don’t feel ready to get a tattoo for any reason this is no problem!
During your consultation, we will ask about the design, size, color, and location of your tattoo. Please bring any reference images or sketches of your ideas if you have them.
The tattoo artist will create a design based on your ideas.
We will send your design in advance if we have enough notice before your appointment, but in some cases we will show the design on the day of your appointment.
Please let us know about design adjustments as soon as possible. Certain changes or restarting the design may require an additional design fee, at the studio’s discretion.
We will not copy other artists’ designs.BEFORE YOUR TATTOO:
- – Avoid getting sunburn where the tattoo will be.
- – Moisturize your skin from a few days before the session
- – Avoid exercise that may cause muscle soreness where the tattoo will be.
- – Avoid drinking alcohol the day before.
- – Get a good night’s sleep.
- – Eat a good meal a couple of hours before the session
- – Wear loose clothing that provides easy to access where the tattoo will be.
- – Wear older clothing you wouldn’t mind getting ink on.
- – Getting tattooed can be painful. The pain will vary from person to person, depending on the area and your physical condition.
- – Your tattoo may be photographed and published on social media, websites, and magazines. Please inform the studio if you would not like your photograph published.
- – Variations in color and design may exist between the tattoo art and the actual tattoo applied to your body.
- – Patch tests are available to test for allergic reactions to ink. Please let us know in advance if you would like a patch test.
Other important information
- – You may be denied entry to pools, saunas, and other facilities because of your tattoos.
- – You may be denied MRI scans or certain life insurance plans because of your tattoos.
- – You cannot have laser hair removal administered over your tattoo.
- – You cannot easily erase a finished tattoo.
- – You are under 20 years old.
- – You do not have photo ID with your DOB (e.g. Driver’s license, passport)
- – You are pregnant or nursing.
- – You have Herpes or Eczema on the location of your tattoo.
- – You have Diabetes, Epilepsy, a heart condition, or blood disease or any other condition which may affect your tattoo.
- – You have Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, or HIV/AIDS or any other blood transmissible infection of disease.
- – You are under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
* Please mail us for questions about consultations or bookings: ( jump to mail form )
After care
Until the tattoo heals
The tattoo will take about one to one and a half months to fully heal, depending on the individual, the design, and location of the tattoo.
During the healing process, scabs may form and may look white-ish, or the color may appear faded or less distinct – don’t worry, as this is normal.
The tattoo is like a wound until it heals, so please keep it clean to prevent infection, and be careful of the following:
- – Avoid drinking alcohol the day of the tattoo, as the tattooed area might swell or bleed excessively.
- – Don’t wear tight fitting clothing.
- – Keep your tattoo covered to protect it from the sun. After the tattoo is healed, use a good sunscreen to keep it protected long term.
- – Don’t scratch or rub your tattoo, although it may itch during the healing process.
- – Use bedding and clothes you don’t mind getting ink or blood on, as the tattoo may shed excess ink and bleed for 2-3 days after the session.
- – Avoid strenuous physical activity and swimming in pools, beaches and rivers for about 1 month, as it will increase risk of infection. Light exercise that doesn’t cause rubbing against the tattoo is okay after 1 week.
Aftercare Instructions
《Day of the tattoo》
- – Slowly peel the pad off after around 4 hours.
- – If the tattoo is stuck to the pad, wet with warm water and slowly peel off
- – Excess ink or blood may be on the pad – this is normal.
- – Gently wash the area with lukewarm water and unscented soap.
- – Gently pat the area dry with a clean towel, without rubbing the tattoo.
- – Apply a small amount of ointment, and cover with a new pad.
- – Secure the pad with bandage/tape/film as it was after the session, and keep it on until showering the next day.
《Day after the tattoo》
- – Remove the pad before showering.
- – Apply a small amount of ointment after the shower, cover with a new pad, and keep it on until showering the next day.
《2 Days after the tattoo》
- – Remove the pad before showering – you will not need to cover the tattoo after this.
- – Apply a small amount of ointment 2-3 times a day to prevent dryness.
- – After finishing the ointment provided, you can use other unscented body lotion.
Soaking in a bath may damage the tattoo. Avoid baths and only take showers for 3 weeks if your tattoo would be submerged. If your tattoo wouldn’t be submerged, avoid baths for 1 week.
Touch-ups are free within 3 months of the final session. Please contact us if you would like to fix any fading or unevenness after your tattoo has healed. Please wait about a month to a month and a half for your tattoo to completely heal for a touch up session.
Exclusions apply: Touch-up fees will apply for areas that fade easily, such as below the wrist, below the ankle (excluding the top of the foot), behind the ear, and inner lip, etc. The fee will start at 8800 yen, depending on the tattoo.
If the tattooed area seems unusual
Some itchiness and redness are normal during the healing process, and most tattoos heal naturally. However, if after 2-3 days, the tattoo is unusually painful, red or itchy, or seems to be festering, it could be an infection or allergy. Please email us a photo of the affected area and describe the symptoms and we will get back to you with some advice and next steps as soon as we can.
These are good articles with more detail on good after care practices.
*If you have any questions please contact us. ( jump to mail form )
Other Frequently Asked Questions
Q – I would like a quote for a tattoo, what information should I send in my email?
A – Thanks for contacting us! If you can give us the following information it will really help us a lot to give you a quote.
- a: Where would you like the tattoo.
- b: What size (in cm x cm) tattoo would you like.
- c: Would you like a black, black and grey or full color tattoo.
- d: What kind of design would you like.( If you have any sketches, photos or pictures please send them.)
- e: How many hours do you have available to have your tattoo.
- f: What days and times are you available for your tattoo?
- g: Have you had Tattoos before or this will be your first time.
- h: Are you over 20 years old? (please note, we only tattoo clients over 20)
Q – Can you send me a picture of the design by email before I come to the studio for the tattoo?
A – Yes, we can email you the design after securing a deposit. Usually it is shortly before. If it is a short notice booking we will show you the design in the studio.
Q – Do you accept cash in other currencies?
A – No we don’t but there is a Citi Bank near the studio where you can withdraw money.
Q – Do I need to sign a release form?
A – Yes, you can see our release form here.